How long does artificial grass last?

Approximate reading time: 3 minutes, 37 seconds

One of the most frequently asked questions by our clients is about the duration of artificial grass . This will depend a lot on the place where it is installed, the location, the incidence of the sun, the traffic... Keep reading because you will surely be surprised by its longevity.

Factors that affect the useful life of artificial grass

The duration of synthetic grass depends on several factors: 

Product quality

Generally, synthetic grass is made from polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), and latex. That is, materials that are highly resistant and that give a lot of flexibility to the filaments.

Furthermore, in the manufacture of artificial grass it undergoes special treatments , for example, to resist the sun's ultraviolet rays or to withstand fire. All these treatments give higher quality to the artificial grass and make it more durable.

Therefore, it must be taken into account that not all artificial grass models are the same. Depending on the materials and manufacturing processes, the quality and useful life will change.

Use of artificial grass

The use and traffic that the artificial grass carpet receives will be decisive for its useful life. High traffic areas will require earlier renovation than low traffic areas.


The installation of artificial grass is also a key factor in determining its durability. We must take into account:

Correct maintenance

To be able to enjoy an artificial grass carpet in perfect condition for a long time, it is advisable to carry out brief maintenance on a regular basis.

Maintaining artificial grass is much easier than maintaining natural grass. You just have to brush it regularly, water it to remove dust and use water and neutral soap for stains. This way you will make it look like the first day.


The wear and tear of synthetic grass can increase if it is exposed to very intense climates such as high temperatures, humid climates or strong winds. 

Depending on the location where you want to install artificial grass, you must take into account some characteristics or others. For example, in areas of intense rain we must pay special attention to drainage. However, in high temperature areas we must water it more frequently to prevent it from burning .

Duration of artificial grass

How long does synthetic grass last?

Taking into account all the factors mentioned above, the useful life of artificial grass is 15 to 20 years , as long as a quality model is chosen and proper maintenance is carried out.

At we have products made with quality materials to achieve resistant and long-lasting rolls of artificial grass. Models that do not discolor due to the sun's ultraviolet rays, do not become waterlogged due to rain and maintain their volume over the years. In addition, we offer a warranty of between 3 and 12 years depending on the model chosen.

When should the artificial grass be changed?

Synthetic grass has a long useful life, but how do we identify when to renew it?

The guarantee we offer at covers manufacturing defects in the artificial grass, discoloration due to the sun's ultraviolet rays and tearing of the thread from the base.

After a while, between 15 and 20 years, the artificial grass may already appear worn, with a duller color and an unnatural appearance. That will be the right time to renew it.

Tips for caring for synthetic grass

Taking care of artificial grass is essential to extend its durability and useful life . Therefore we advise you:

  • Water it regularly to maintain its freshness and remove accumulated dust.
  • Brush the strands against the grain to keep them upright.
  • Clean stains and pet excrement with neutral soap.
  • Avoid dragging surfaces such as inflatable pools or furniture over it. 
Brushing the artificial grass

Recommendations to extend the life of grass carpet

If you want to extend the life of your synthetic grass so that it lasts as long as possible, follow the following tips: 


The installation of artificial grass depends on the type of surface on which you want to install it. Carrying out a good installation will have a positive impact on the longevity of the material.

Below we leave you some articles to know the procedure in each case: 

Silica sand

Silica sand is optional in the installation of synthetic grass. Its advantages are:  

  • Stabilizes and protects fibers. 
  • Keeps the fibers in a vertical position. 
  • Improves grip on the ground.
  • Retains and absorbs moisture, to keep the surface cooler in summer. 
  • Increases durability.


To keep artificial grass with its filaments upright and voluminous, it is important to brush it regularly. Use a brush with hard plastic bristles to lift the filaments, remove leaves and accumulated dust.

Chemical products

not need to use chemical products for cleaning and maintenance. Using water and neutral soap is enough to remove dust and possible stains.

Sewer system

The artificial grass surface must have a good drainage system to prevent water from accumulating, negatively affecting its durability.

Buy artificial grass with greater durability

In conclusion, artificial grass is perfect for those looking for a green garden that requires little maintenance. Its useful life is between 15 and 20 years if it is cared for and properly maintained.

If you are looking for quality synthetic grass with a guarantee, we recommend that you take a look at our product line. Also, if you need advice, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you!

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